…the wind bathing us in fresh air after a year in which breathing has become much more sacred, the eagle dancing above the rainbow-glazed waterfall… . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ caterpillar care
…the wind bathing us in fresh air after a year in which breathing has become much more sacred, the eagle dancing above the rainbow-glazed waterfall… . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ caterpillar care pink: practicing gratitude for daylight savings, and appreciating that i can be up before sunrise once again for a brief few weeks…
pink: my fiance comes home with his truck covered in cherry blossom snow each day lately.
red: then we walk around and . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ slowly unfurl date nights
bayou walks
dappled sunlight
wedding day imaginings
new beginnings . . . → Read More: ~black and white wednesday~ spring textures around june 1st we started living in dragon house 2.0, and toasted our new home together with whiskey and cokes and organic peanut butter cups. although we are still finalizing details and sorting out technicalities in anticipation of actually closing the sale, and i hesitate to write much out of superstition, i have been strewing . . . → Read More: yes yes yes!
~written november 2018~ “there’s a line of babies. which one would you choose?” still exploring the concept of being born, his wording of a line of babies was still the imagery he returned to. whether he was recalling something from before his birth, or describing his . . . → Read More: ~quinn’s forty-third month~ untamed wildness |
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