~thankful thursday~ going on

I don’t want to use gratitude just to spin every negative thing that happens into positive vibes. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ going on


it hasn’t been the easiest summer for me. last thursday evening rich and i watched quinn in his theatre camp performance, and then we drove to the farm to fill boxes with hand-picked dusty tomatoes by twilight. we passed by the sunflowers waving in the coastal breeze we must have brought out of the west . . . → Read More: heliotrope

~rainbow mondays~ cabbages and zing

a compulsive rainbow-maker strikes again!

gray: this week we’re celebrating the gift of eyesight, because rich and i spent a few hours in the e.r. in the middle of the night this weekend, due to flash burn to his eyes that he received from work on friday. his work involves a lot of . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ cabbages and zing