~summer shorts~ dragonfly rainbow

A small winged friend spent many mid-summer afternoons visiting my rainbow garden. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ dragonfly rainbow

~rainbow mondays~ a crack in everything

being the rainbow around the dragon house… rotating flowers through the rainbow jars and dying/hiding/finding rainbow eggs in stolen weekday moments before my son left for his dad’s on good friday.

this is bart, being the rainbow kitty healer. he has a special sense to know which body part upon which . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ a crack in everything

~rainbow mondays~ the colors of silence

i’ve found the rainbow connection, at least when it comes to potluck dishes. i was assigned veggies for the family st. patrick’s day get together (celebrated early this year) and though i would personally make a rainbow for any occasion, the leprechaun believer in me felt this was a fitting occasion.

white: we’ve . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ the colors of silence

slope stabilization

how does one establish a relationship that is built to last, what with all the ephemerality of the world? the passing of days into memory or forgetting, the hurts and slights that have the potential to erode at what originally connected two people, the quirks and morning breath and neglected leg stubble that could garner . . . → Read More: slope stabilization