~this moment~ check this off the bucket list



~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

other posts you may . . . → Read More: ~this moment~ check this off the bucket list

~this moment~ breakfast with a view

school may be in session, but we still live at the vacation house. breakfast with a view.

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and . . . → Read More: ~this moment~ breakfast with a view

~this moment~ raspberry thief

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

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~this moment~

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

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~this moment~ three in a row



last may

last week

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

other posts you may enjoy:reuse! idea number 4011…the portal66% quality of . . . → Read More: ~this moment~ three in a row

~this moment~ bust a move

video moment… i love it when he faces the stereo when public radio puts on good music in the evenings and busts a move!

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i . . . → Read More: ~this moment~ bust a move

~this moment~ baseball

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

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~this rainbow moment~ stargazer

is anyone else waaaayyy behind? i am only posting one photo today, and taking the rest of the week off! this felt like a bit of a hybrid between this moment and rainbow mondays, just a little blip so you know i am still here.

quinn and i have been learning about our solar . . . → Read More: ~this rainbow moment~ stargazer

~this moment~ the skipping milestone

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

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~this moment~

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember

other posts you may enjoy:a little more 2024aunt margiequinn’s fifth month ~ whisper, screech, hiccup, laugh!~this moment~ raspberry thief