~rainbow mondays~ wild and precious




~rainbow mondays~

a splash of color on monday

a photo study documenting the colors of the spectrum: the balance points between light reflected and light absorbed

other posts you may enjoy:~this moment~setting the tonearound the . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ wild and precious

~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ turrets and portcullises

minecraft fortress building was a frequent occupation these past two months. quinn has also been inspired to build games in scratch, making use of a book fair purchase to familiarize with how to use code within the scratch framework to generate a game.

birthday books; on the right, . . . → Read More: ~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ turrets and portcullises

~rainbow mondays~ a happy return of the day!

i spent part of spring break on wedding projects, including dying and cutting the fabric for prayer flags i am asking my guests to help decorate.

checking items off the to-do list feels pretty good!

i also gave my rainbow jar/flower plan a test run, even though i didn’t have any orange . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ a happy return of the day!

~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ peaceful protests and a lot of alliteration

it’s been a good couple of months to be review listening to harry potter audio books, with so many themes having heightened relevance to our current events. it was quinn’s idea to listen to them again, when we finished with the heroes of olympus. while we were waiting for the order of the . . . → Read More: ~two months in the life of a lifelong learner~ peaceful protests and a lot of alliteration

~thankful thursday~ warmth, choke slams, baseball and apple pie

she has become an autodidact expert in vintage apple variety identification. she also makes the best apple pie which she taught my brothers and i to do as well and has given us all a wonderful gift by unearthing information about the chenango strawberry, winter banana, red astrachan, hubbardston none-such, and blue pearmain apple varieties that she and my dad are rehabilitating. see, didn’t you just feel like you got a gift, reading those amazing names? . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ warmth, choke slams, baseball and apple pie


quinn and i have a scrabble game going on, laid out on the table in his bedroom. he got interested in it because he “helped” me play a few words in the game words with friends (ie scrabble on a smart phone) and one time he looked over my shoulder and told me, “mama, you . . . → Read More: up

boat moon balance

our commute into town from home takes 20-25 minutes, and for most of that drive tuesday night, quinn was exclaiming over the beauty of the moon (phase: boat moon, aka half) and expounding on his theories of what it might be made of, “because it seems like air, but it also seems like it can’t . . . → Read More: boat moon balance

wonderfully mysterious

i walked out into the first rain of december this morning (uhhh yeah, we’re a little behind here on the coast but shhh don’t tell anyone our secret! we like everyone to think the weather always sucks here!) and i actually felt happy about rain, so happy that i opted to walk in it, rather . . . → Read More: wonderfully mysterious

woodstove salutations

i’m sure you’re not supposed to post it on your blog if you have a crush on somebody… (what if he googles me? hahaha.)

most of the time i find that yoga class is a good place for me to go to quiet down my brain, which is often on runaway train mode. but sunday . . . → Read More: woodstove salutations

66% quality of life improvement

actually i have no idea how to quantify it, but there is some wonderful change-for-the-better in the works in coparenting land. as mentioned, there have been quite a few changes lately in our lives, and lately the daily transition times (change is our theme!) have been a bit more bumpy. since quinn was around 2, . . . → Read More: 66% quality of life improvement