banner day

A long-held dream comes true. . . . → Read More: banner day


bufflehead black brant double-crested cormorant . . . → Read More: herring

juneuary beaches

in which I share the photos I keep scrolling back through, from that one week in January. . . . → Read More: juneuary beaches

tidepool immersion ~ pink moon low tide

I don’t often get photos of feather duster worms, so this was a special treat. . . . → Read More: tidepool immersion ~ pink moon low tide

~rainbow mondays~ reflect

One of the things I’d like to remember for this year is finding out that going inward allowed me to, paradoxically, expand in ways I wouldn’t have guessed. . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ reflect

~thankful thursday~ popcorn seeds

…the sun crested like a wave over the ridge, poured itself through great cylindrical columns into the coral reef of fungus arrayed across the layers of ancient trees, and sublimed in droplets from tiny jellyfish mushrooms swimming up a tree limb. . . . → Read More: ~thankful thursday~ popcorn seeds

~summer shorts~ star ecology

The invisible, inextricable linkages among members of an ecosystem sometimes reveal themselves when the system is under strain. . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ star ecology

~summer shorts~ reclaiming

You can sail forward even when the wind is close to your bow, but there is a reason why they call it “beating to windward.” . . . → Read More: ~summer shorts~ reclaiming

~rainbow mondays~ june blooms

















~rainbow mondays~

. . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ june blooms

~rainbow mondays~ winter holidays and spring awakenings

this rainbow monday is so last year… about time to share some holiday memories!


rainbow stocking hand sewn by camp boss, rainbow twinkly lights, and a rainbow veggies tray were all part of our holidays. it is good to remind myself of this, as my impression of this holiday season was that . . . → Read More: ~rainbow mondays~ winter holidays and spring awakenings