By marybethrew, on December 20th, 2011%
saturday was glooo-oooo-oooo-rious (sing it like a christmas carol!) and so we did what any sane people would do and went outside. quinn requested seal rock, so i drove us there. and we drew giant pictures in the sand.
peaceful bird
. . . → Read More: getting ready
By marybethrew, on December 15th, 2011%
i walked out into the first rain of december this morning (uhhh yeah, we’re a little behind here on the coast but shhh don’t tell anyone our secret! we like everyone to think the weather always sucks here!) and i actually felt happy about rain, so happy that i opted to walk in it, rather . . . → Read More: wonderfully mysterious
By marybethrew, on December 6th, 2011%
i’m sure you’re not supposed to post it on your blog if you have a crush on somebody… (what if he googles me? hahaha.)
most of the time i find that yoga class is a good place for me to go to quiet down my brain, which is often on runaway train mode. but sunday . . . → Read More: woodstove salutations
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