ornithology of gratitude

friday found me sandwiched squarely in the center of a kitchen full of women, two of whom are older than me (the three of us singing along in four part harmony to arlo, doing our part to end war) and two of whom are younger than me (an attentive young mother who parents by instinct . . . → Read More: ornithology of gratitude

around the farm

the parental dahlia that furnished the seeds of the new baby mystery dahlias; deep purple foliage and brilliant orange blooms…

… and the results are in! the first mystery baby, grown from saved seeds is yellow!

sunflower volunteer, having been messed with in photoshop to bring out its peachy coloration.

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in his lunchbox

i asked quinn about his preferences for what kinds of foods he’d like to pack in his lunchbox for school, and we ended up having a splendid conversation. first, i told him my reason for making a list, which was both to refresh my memory on days when i couldn’t remember what to pack, and . . . → Read More: in his lunchbox

~around the farm~ sweet tangerine

the farm now features a chest freezer and a “pantry”. there is no before picture of the pantry because a pile on the floor is too unruly to be captured in pixels, but here is the fuzzy after photo.

there’s my furniture (is a chest . . . → Read More: ~around the farm~ sweet tangerine

~around the farm~ a panda in the bamboo

as i was readying my camera to attempt to take pictures of quinn chasing dragonflies, i got this “awesome” shot of my man’s elbow, and our two grubby yardwork pantlegs. sitting on the bench in the backyard, taking a break, as we do. i love mistake photos that capture just exactly how it is.

. . . → Read More: ~around the farm~ a panda in the bamboo

around the farm ~ heart salads

the bees have moved on to this new favorite attraction. golden-chain tree. fixes nitrogen, makes bees very happy and lights up the yard with bright yellow blooms.

another corner of the yard is painted purple.

one more nice surprise in the shrubbery department is the tall oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium) at the . . . → Read More: around the farm ~ heart salads

around the farm

grab your binoculars (upside down seedling pots work well for this) and hang on for this week’s garden tour.

i think beans are miraculous. i’m just saying. scarlet emperor runner beans are the kind of plant you can literally watch growing. if i could sit and do nothing else, i would do just that.

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~around the farm~ manure wealth

last week i made some new compost bins. look at that fine joinery (haha, i did not take any closeups, because i perform joinery with scrap ropes off the beach, not fasteners.)

how i know my man really, really likes me: he let me fill up his truck with manure. i mucked out my friend’s . . . → Read More: ~around the farm~ manure wealth

~this moment~

~a friday ritual~

a photo capturing a moment from the week.

a simple, special moment.

a moment i want to pause, savor and remember.

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a season of ~whole~

i declared my word of 2012 to be whole, and a more cynical person might think the universe took it as a challenge, and began dismantling my reality one piece at a time.

this week has felt like a series of sighs of relief. weight being lifted from me, and each time i didn’t even . . . → Read More: a season of ~whole~